Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vis a Vis a

In the life of each couple several thundershowers must necessarily occur. Even supposedly/seemingly perfect couples like Marrijit sometimes have trouble. "What," you say. "Nonsense. Everyone knows Marrijit is the bestest couple in the whole world." This is true, and I am not denying it, but the perfection was built slowly. Only recently has it gotten to the point where we are comfortable discussing it with our friends on the world wide interweb. We have revelled in our readers' love and affection, and the pointless musings on our relationship by Anonymous. But there is trouble in paradise now. Marrijit is on the verge of being in dire straits (much like the famous and confoundingly unpopular-in-America band) , the foundations are quivering. The new baby has changed everything. We have filled its little body with all the love we were capable of mustering up, and now Marrijit lies empty and drained.

We are getting old. Middle-age and its incipient responsibilities have overwhelmed us. After work we are sometimes so tired we can barely speak. Sometimes I think the baby is a pickle and try to put him in a sandwich. Sometimes Marri has an affair.

But we must be strong. We must persevere. And I will stop trying to kill the baby. Those are my new year's resolutions.

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